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Author Archives: Corey Carlin

Riverbound Sports Now Delivering Kayaks to Southern California

Van with kayaks parked by a lake at sunset

To ensure the safest and most reliable delivery experience, we are now personally handling kayak shipments to Southern California. Why We Took Delivery Into Our Own Hands Unfortunately, we’ve seen firsthand some of the damage during delivery from third-party LTE freight carriers with large, high-value shipments like kayaks. Over the past 5 years, we have […]

How to Choose the Best Inflatable Paddleboard: Quality, Performance & Value

Inflatable paddle board with foot pump on beach.

The True Cost of an Inexpensive Paddleboard With warmer weather approaching, many people are gearing up for their next adventure on the water. Inflatable stand-up paddleboards (iSUPs) have become a go-to choice for their portability, convenience, and accessibility. But not all inflatable paddleboards are created equal. That budget-friendly board from Amazon might look like a […]

Experience the Wild Horses on the Lower Salt River

People kayaking on river, horses grazing nearby

Why the Lower Salt River is a Must-Visit Destination Arizona’s Lower Salt River flows from Spring through Fall, offering an incredible blend of scenic beauty, diverse wildlife, and one of the most magical experiences in the Southwest—witnessing the wild horses that roam its banks. Paddling through the serene Tonto National Forest, the Salt River not […]